Recommended Resources

Ministry Helps

  • He Called Her

    Daniel Koran

  • Spiritual Leadership in the Twenty-First Century

    David K. Bernard

  • Preach Like A Lady

    Lori Wagner

  • Gender and Ministry

    Lori Wagner

  • Learning And Leading In Ministry

    J. Mark Jordan

  • Life Preaching

    Jonathan McLintock

  • The View From The Back Of The Pulpit

    J. Mark Jordan

  • A Tale of Three Kings

    Gene Edwards

  • So You [May] Feel Your Call To Preach

    David M.Reever

  • Desperately Seeking Direction

    Dr. Chris Paris

  • Effective Altar Ministry

    Robert E. Henson

  • Preaching In Pink

    Melinda Poitras

  • Notable Women of Scripture

    Ken Gurley

  • The Asuza St Mission & Revival

    Cecil M. Robeck Jr.

Podcast & Video Resources

Apostolic Life in the 21st Century Podcast with
Dr. David K. Bernard

Paul wrote in 1 Timothy 2:12, “But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.” This verse is cited frequently by opponents of women in ministry. However, the United Pentecostal Church International ordains women to preach, teach, and serve in leadership roles. How does the UPCI reconcile this practice with Paul's statement?

Dr. David K. Bernard answers this question by noting examples of women in spiritual leadership in the Old Testament, the early church, and the modern Pentecostal movement. In doing so, he makes the case for women playing an active role in ministry today, including preaching and teaching God's Word.

Lois Mitchell, Melissa Fross, and Lori Wagner address the topic of "Advancing God's Call." This seminar was hosted by the Women in Ministry Network and was presented as part of General Conference 2022.

Reflections Ministry Podcast with
Dr. Cindy Miller

Episode 1: One Simple Word

Today's guests are Beth Dillon, Virginia Ladies Ministries secretary, and Vicki Simoneaux, South Texas Ladies Ministries president. In this interview, we discuss how we started using one simple word, where our ideas come from, ways we sustain the word all year long or how the word sustains us, and other personal experiences. We had so much fun sharing, and we hope you will enjoy our time together.

The Fruitful Vine
Joel Urshan

In this episode, Bro. Joel Urshan utilizes a whole view of the Bible to help us rightly divide the Scriptures regarding women in ministry.

Recommended Biographies & Books

Audio Resources

Sis. Thetus Tenney shares the history of women in ministry in the Oneness movement. A dynamic speaker with a great amount of knowledge on this topic, she helps us understand women’s role within Apostolic movements. These lessons are available in Audio|CD and Video versions.

A dramatization of the true life story of Rev. Nona Freeman. From a previous engagement to a guitar player, to finding love-at-first-sight with Bug, and a call as a missionary and an anointed speaker, this dramatic recording tells the story of this minister of the gospel.

Written & Directed by David Norris

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.

2 Timothy 2:15 (NIV)